Courage to Lead: Vote Pledge

305 actions
goal: 500
This election is an opportunity to ensure we tackle inequality and the climate crisis side by side. Together, we can turn up in our thousands at the polls, and elect courageous candidates willing to deliver the safe and just future that we deserve.

It starts with building a movement of people pledging to vote for candidates with the “Courage to Lead” — the boldest, most exciting leaders who will deliver a just transition and basic income, to ensure a safe and just future for all. Add your name now.

Make a pledge to vote for candidates with the courage to do what's necessary to ensure a safe and just future for all:

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

Thank you for taking action!

To have impact we need as many voters as possible taking the pledge to vote for courageous leaders.

Help us spread the word!

Leadnow is sustained by thousands of small, individual donations from across the country. Can you chip in to help fund our hard-hitting campaigns?