Tell Trudeau: we expect you at COP27

7,405 actions
goal: 10,000
In three days, world leaders will descend on Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt for COP27. It will be a critical moment for the international community to discuss their plans to bring down global carbon emissions, and test each others’ resolve. [1] But Trudeau is sitting this one out — and he hasn’t given a reason why. [2]

If Trudeau sits out the most important climate summit of the year, he’ll be sending a message that Canada doesn’t take its commitments seriously — and in the face of an issue that requires international cooperation, his snub could spell disaster for the climate.

Sitting out on the climate crisis isn’t an option. With only days until negotiations kick off, will you send a message to Prime Minister Trudeau calling on him to take his climate commitments seriously and attend COP27?

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

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