Tim Hortons: Stop the cruel cuts to workers!

20,209 actions
goal: 27,000

Tim Hortons is slashing workers’ healthcare benefits, stealing their tips, and eliminating paid breaks1 -- and we can’t let them get away with it.

It all started when Ontario’s minimum wage increase kicked in last week. In a fit of revenge, some Tim Hortons owners decided to hit their employees with cruel cuts in benefits to protect their profits.2

Now the story is blowing up in the media. If we can show Tim Hortons billionaire parent company, Restuarant Brands International, just how angry their customers are, it could convince them to step in, reverse their cruel cuts, and protect Tim Hortons workers.

Will you sign the petition calling on Tim Hortons parent company, Restuarant Brands International, to stop attacking workers? If enough of us come together to flood it with signatures, it's sure to have a real impact — and with more cuts coming, we have to act now.3

To: Tim Hortons owners

We're calling on you to take whatever steps necessary to reverse the clawbacks to workers benefits, paid breaks, and perks, and make sure Tim Hortons workers' wages and working conditions are protected everywhere. Small businesses are embracing the wage increase without harmful clawbacks. Tim Hortons made over $3 billion in revenue last year. You can afford to protect the workers that make you so much money.

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Thank you for taking action!

The more people who sign this petition, the more likely it is that Tim Hortons billionaire parent company will step up to stop the cruel cuts.

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