Call for an excess profits tax on soaring oil & gas profits

Over the past year, Canadian oil and gas companies have been celebrating all-time highs in profits.1 Like Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., which made $7.66 billion in profits in 2021, meaning they were able to pay out their shareholders handsomely.2

And now, oil and gas companies are raising oil prices to profiteer from war. Every day Canadians, already struggling with the rising cost of living, are lining the pockets of oil and gas executives and shareholders.

The stark greed — in the middle of a climate crisis — is untenable. Other countries are proposing a tax on oil and gas companies' excess profits.3,4 Canada could do the same now. But we need to get the word out so the public demands it.

So we have a plan. We’re going to flood the social media accounts of everyday Canadians and explain: oil and gas CEOs that are making out like bandits and we’re footing their bill.

But to do this, we need your help. To launch this social media campaign, we need to raise $7850 to pay for it, by Thursday. Will you help expose Big Oil's war profiteering and call for a tax on excess profits by chipping in now?

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