PM Trudeau: Don't sign construction permits for the Site-C dam

20,829 actions
goal: 28,000

Update (July 29):

The federal Department of Fisheries has issued permits to let Site C construction continue while First Nations legal challenges are still before the courts.

This is a brutal decision to flood First Nations territory and some of the best farmland in the world – and the fight is far from over. The West Moberly and Prophet River First Nations’ appeal will still go to court. And there is reason to believe there may be real divisions within Trudeau’s government on Site C so they need to hear from you.

We have a plan to launch an emergency response early next week – and it’s more important than ever to get voices from the frontlines to Ottawa. We also need to make sure as many Liberal MPs as possible hear outrage from their constituents. Can you donate $20 today?

Site C is a disastrous plan to build a giant dam in the Peace River Valley of northeastern BC. It’s  an $8.8 billion project that will flood 83 km of farmland, drown wildlife habitat, and trample indigenous rights — all to supply electricity for dirty tar sands extraction and fracking.[1-3]


The most expensive, unnecessary public project in BC history, the Site C dam could also trigger a massive rate increase on BC hydro bills — between 30 – 40% within three years.[4]

Farmers, environmentalists, First Nations, and the public are united against the project, and want this massive amount of money to go towards sustainable local energy instead. First Nations are fighting a legal battle to defend their Treaty rights to hunt, fish, and trap on the lands Site C will destroy.[5]

Can you join them and sign the petition calling on PM Trudeau to stop Site C?

Despite the overwhelming opposition, BC Premier Christy Clark is bulldozing through her plans to build Site C – a project that few want and nobody needs.

The federal government is caught in the middle. PM Trudeau will have to pick a side within the coming weeks because Premier Clark needs federal permits to ramp up construction on the dam. She wants to build Site C past the point of no return, before the courts rule on the outstanding First Nations legal challenge.[6]

Under increasing pressure from Premier Clark, PM Trudeau could sign federal construction permits at any moment. If we all speak out, they’ll have the support they need to do the right thing: side with First Nations, environmentalists, and farmers and stop construction on Site C until the court has ruled on the legal challenge.

Can you call on PM Trudeau to put a moratorium on all Site C construction permits until a ruling on the legal challenge has been made?

The Liberals campaigned on a promise of evidence-based decision-making and renewed relations with First Nations – one based on rights and respect. Letting Christy Clark continue building the dam before the courts rule on Treaty 8 First Nations’ legal challenge contradicts these promises.

Sign the petition calling on PM Trudeau to do the right thing.

[1]Site C: Truly awful economics
[2]Human Rights at Risk: Site C 
[3]Premier Clark’s Proposal to ‘Electrify Oilsands’ With Site C Dam Has ‘Air of Desperation’: Panel Chair 
[4]Site C Dam ‘Devastating’ for British Columbians, Says Former CEO of BC Hydro 
[5]Treaty 8 Nations taking legal action to stop the Site C Dam (RAVEN)First Nations launch federal court challenge to BC Site C dam
[6]Trudeau can and should delay Site C 


Sorry this campaign has ended

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