SIGN NOW: Tell Ford to scrap his mass evictions bill

23,603 actions
goal: 31,000
This is appalling. Doug Ford’s mass eviction bill could make thousands of people homeless in just three weeks.[1]

Bill 184 would allow the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) to issue eviction orders without so much as a hearing.[2][3] Many renters have backlogs of rent because of COVID-19 — and kicking them out because of things beyond their control is heartless. 

Ford made big promises to protect renters and ban evictions — and enjoyed a huge boost in popularity for his policies during COVID-19.[4] But now, he's caving to the landlord lobby and trying to sneak through this bill before the public notices. 

A massive petition, signed by tens of thousands of us, could shine a spotlight on Ford’s hypocrisy and convince him to scrap his mass eviction bill in order to protect his public image. But with the bill set to become law any day now and evictions starting in just three weeks, we need to act fast. Add your name now.

Premier Doug Ford and Minister of Housing Steve Clark

Don't penalize people for being unable to pay their rent during a pandemic. Scrap Bill 184 now!

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Doug Ford wants to avoid public backlash so he can sneak this bill through.

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