Email to support universal Pharmacare

4,023 actions
goal: 6,000
Big pharma has a scheme to cheat us out of billions.

Right now, a federal task force is developing a model to provide free prescription medication to everyone in Canada. 1

A publicly-funded universal pharmacare program could provide quality drug coverage to everyone in Canada while reducing our annual drug costs by $4 billion2. Pretty good, right?

But billionaire pharmaceutical corporations are trying to trick the government into choosing a flawed private-public system that would cost Canadians almost $9 billion more than a universal public program3.

We can’t let them get away with it. Right now, the phamacare task force is accepting public input, and they need to hear from you. A flood of messages calling for a universal, public pharmacare system could convince the government not to fall for Big Pharma’s rip-off.

But the deadline is tomorrow- there’s no time to waste. Will you send you an email to the task force now and take a stand for universal pharmacare?
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Pharmacare task force

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