Last chance to stop Site C

4,647 actions
goal: 7,000
A scathing new report just exposed that the Site C dam is behind schedule and over budget. [1]

The unecessary Site C dam could cost us billions, while our schools and hospitals are crying out for funding and so many of us are already struggling to pay our hydro bills. [2]

What’s worse, the dam would give billionaire fracking and tar sands corporations a massive handout, in the form of below-cost power, subsidized by your hydro bill. [3-4]

Now, the BC Government is deciding whether to scrap the dam or allow it to continue -- and you can bet the fracking lobby are turning up the pressure. 

But the NDP government knows they can’t afford to alienate progressive voters, which means your voice is a powerful weapon to stop Site C. 

Will you send an urgent message asking the BC Government to immediately cancel Site C? The government could make up their mind on Site C any day now, so we can’t afford to wait. 

1, 2, 3, 4
Send to
Premier John Horgan, Energy Minister Michelle Mungall

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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Will you chip in to launch an emergency ad campaign to push back against pro-dam political insiders?