Tell Trudeau: Pass a corporate profiteering tax now

14,058 actions
goal: 19,000
Only four days into 2024, the top Canadian CEOs have already earned as much as the average Canadian worker will in all of 20241.

Canada’s top CEOs clock in at a rate of $7162 per hour. That’s 246 times the average worker’s hourly wage.

While corporations amass profits at the expense of average Canadians, one way we can level the playing field is to institute a corporate profiteering tax to make them pay their fair share. Add your name to call for a corporate profiteering tax now.

Prime Minister Trudeau and Finance Minister Freeland

Pass a corporate profiteering tax to deter corporations from hiking up prices, and make sure they pay their fair share for public services

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Leadnow is sustained by thousands of small, individual donations from across the country. Can you chip in to help fund our campaign for a corporate profiteering tax?