Tell your MPP: Ontario's nurses deserve a fair deal

7,706 actions
goal: 11,000
For the first time in years, the Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) has the chance to negotiate with the province for a fair wage increase, above the one percent limit previously set by Bill 124.1

But from Premier Ford’s recent announcement expanding surgeries at private, for-profit clinics, to his government’s appeal of the decision striking down Bill 124, it’s clear that funding the public healthcare system is not a priority for this government.2,3,4

Paying nurses fairly is the best way to address staffing shortages, improve working conditions, and increase the availability and quality of care for everyone in Ontario. ONA is working hard to ensure a better deal for their 60,000 members: better staffing and better wages for nurses, which will allow them to provide better care.5

Show your support for Ontario's nurses by sending a message to your MPP, Premier Doug Ford, and Health Minister Sylvia Jones.

Send a message to your MPP, Premier Ford, and Health Minister Jones

You can use the pre-drafted message below, but feel free to customize it — your own story or reasons for supporting public healthcare could go a long way.

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