Tell the new Health Minister: Defend Public Health Care

798 actions
goal: 1,000
Ontario's health care system is in crisis.

Instead of investing in our health care system and workers, Doug Ford has used the pandemic as an opportunity to make deeper cuts and privatize more services.

Send a personal message to Health Minister Sylvia Jones about your experience with the health care system in Ontario. It only takes a minute, and we’ve included talking points below.

Talking Points for email:
  • Ontario's health care system is in crisis.
  • A personal message goes a long way. If you are a healthcare worker who has felt abandoned by your government, a parent who hasn't been able to access healthcare for your child, or you’ve had to wade through the mess of long-term care, a few words about your experience will have impact.
  • With the lowest health care funding in the country, and the fewest hospital beds and nurses, the answer is not to privatize our institutions and services but to invest in public health care instead.
  • Ontarians deserve and want a robust, public health care system.

Dear Minister Jones and Premier Ford,

Don't Privatize. Protect Ontario's Public Health Care.

Send to
Health Minister Jones and Premier Ford,

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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