Call The Munk Debates advisors and demand they cancel white supremacist war mongers, Steve Bannon and David Frum

382 actions
goal: 500

Infamous white supremacist icon, Steve Bannon, is coming to Toronto. Well known as Trump’s advisor, architect for the Muslim Ban, and the CEO of alt-right, fake news website Breitbart, Bannon is a leading figure for the racist White ethno-nationalist movement.

He's being given a massive megaphone - at prestigious Roy Thomson Hall, with tickets ranging up to $200 - to insist on his dangerous ideas. Hosted by the Munk Debates, this event is simply about normalizing hatred.

THIS IS NOT OK. We all need to get on the phone right now with the Munk Debates and call for Bannon to be kicked out of this event.

Thousands of people have signed petitions. Op-eds continue to criticize this event, and yet Munk Debates continues to push forward. Just in the last month, the New Yorker Magazine cancelled a high profile event featuring Bannon under public pressure. Earlier this week, Scotland’s First Minister pulled out of an event which included Bannon calling him a fascist.

Clearly public pressure works. We have less than two weeks to cancel this event and all of us need to get involved. Get on the phone and call the Munk Debate advisors - leave them a strong message demanding that this event be cancelled.

There is no space for this kind of hatred in Toronto. If you have tickets for the event, call and tell them you won’t be coming. And regardless of what happens, join the protest at 5pm on November 2nd at Toronto's Roy Thomson Hall.

Call now, call often, and leave a message if you don’t get through!

Let’s keep calling till Bannon is shut down.  



Hello my name is _______________

I'm calling your office today because, as a Torontonian, I am disgusted at the platform you are giving one of the most notorious, contemporary white supremacist, racists of our time, Steve Bannon.

Hate and warmongers like Bannon increase violent hate crimes in cities across the US and Canada. We are facing violence, danger, and division in our communities. I am outraged that you are actively choosing to make our city less safe, for all of us.

I'm calling to demand that you condemn the actions of white supremacists and the politics of hate in our city by canceling this Munk Debate!

I'll be watching closely to see what actions you take.

Campaign organized by the Bannon-Frum Welcoming Committee

Call The Munk Debates Advisors!

Fill out your details (including your phone number) and press "call now". We'll call YOU and connect you to one of the Munk Debate Advisors. Feel free to use the script we’ve provided! Each time you refresh, you will be connected with a different advisor so call as many times as you can and remember to leave a message if you don’t get through. Each time you refresh this page, you will be connected with a different advisor.

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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