Ask your MPP: will you defend our public healthcare?

8,219 actions
goal: 11,000
Next week, our MPPs return Queen’s Park. It’s the first time they’ll be together since Ford’s inner circle was caught writing secret laws to privatize our healthcare. [1]

The draft law, developed behind closed doors, confirms our worst fears: Ford’s government is trying to bring for-profit healthcare to Ontario. [2] If he gets away with it, CEOs will get rich off our illnesses and injuries, and the healthiest will be the wealthiest — while the quality of public care will plummet. [3]

But while Ford is gunning for this, it’s our MPPs who actually have to vote these plans through

Conservatives know that supporting privatized healthcare is political suicide. So if MPPs receive thousands of emails from us, their constituents, telling them we want them to stand up for public healthcare and oppose any attempts to privatize it — they’ll know local voters are paying close attention. It could sway them to stand with you and me.

Send your MPP a message before they leave for Queen’s Park in 5 days?

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Leadnow is sustained by thousands of small, individual donations from across the country. Will you chip in to power up the campaign to defend our healthcare?