Ask your MP what's next for electoral reform

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On May 31st there was a motion in the House of Commons that, if passed, could have put pressure on Trudeau to put electoral reform back on the table after his broken promise earlier this year.

The motion failed to pass because the Liberals voted against it. 146 members mostly from the NDP, Conservative, Bloc and Green parties voted in support of the motion, which was to endorse the final recommendations of the all-party committee on electoral reform. In the end, only two lone Liberals broke ranks to vote in favour: MPs Nathaniel Erskine-Smith (Beaches-East York) and Sean Casey (Charlottetown).

Your MP either abstained or voted against yesterday’s motion.[1] We’ve heard a lot of different reasons from MPs as to why they didn’t want to vote yes - but no concrete alternatives to get electoral reform back on the table. Will you send a message telling your MP you want them to show leadership annd asking them how they are going to get electoral reform back on the table? 

After you send a message, check out our blog with the story of the campaign:

[1] Record of voting on motion:

Send your MP an email

Let your MP know you are disappointed about yesterday's vote on electoral reform, and ask them what's next. We've provided suggested text but you can add your own personalized message too.

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