Thank you for helping us to hold Ford accountable

Ontario is under attack – from our own Premier. We are only mid-way through November, but over these two weeks Doug Ford has continued his ravaging attacks on Ontario’s public land, finances and healthcare system – all so that his wealthy cronies can profit.

On November 2, Doug Ford’s government laid out an outrageous plan to create an Ontario bank for investors to profit from public works budgets.1 Then we learned that the Auditor General is carrying out a value for money audit on Ford’s decision to open prime waterfront land to a private company for a for-profit mega spa in a rushed-through process akin to the Greenbelt scandal.2,3

And now we’ve learnt that his government is paying a for-profit clinic in Toronto more money than he’s paying public hospitals for performing the same OHIP-covered surgeries.4 This revelation belies everything Ford and Health Minister Sylvia Jones have said about privatizing healthcare to “save taxpayers money” – they’re actually spending more of our money to do the same surgeries at private clinics and help investors make a profit.

With Doug Ford’s profiteering tendencies continuing unabated,we need to maintain pressure against his worst excesses, and right now the media spotlight is on all Ford’s decisions after his embarrassing reversal on the Greenbelt and urban boundary expansions. We’ve made him back down before, and we can do so again. If you believe that our Premier should be working for all Ontarians rather than against us, will you donate now to support our work?


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