Record a powerful message to protect public healthcare in Ontario

Take a minute to think about why you public healthcare is important to you, then hit record when you're ready!

We’ve created a simple tool to help you record a short video telling your personal story about why it’s so important to protect public healthcare in Ontario. We’ll collect them all into a massive video petition and deliver them right to the Premier and the Health Minister.

We want you to share if the staffing shortages and collapsing healthcare system has affected you or a loved one — your story and the stories of hundreds of other Leadnow members could go a long way. But this will only work if you take a few minutes of your time to record your story. Will you record a video on why protecting public healthcare is important to you?

How to record your video:
  1. Think about what you want to say. Take a minute or two to gather your thoughts. Your personal story is what's going to have the biggest impact on decision-makers so be sure to speak from the heart and make sure to end with a call to the Ford government to protect public health care.
  2. Press the record button. When you're ready to record, press the record button in the tool within the yellow box (it looks like a small video camera). If you are prompted to turn your camera on, please do so.
  3. Share your story. After you press the record button and enable your camera, you'll get a 3-second countdown, and then the tool will begin recording. Start by saying your name, share your story and your opinion, and remember to speak from the heart. Note: You will only be able to record 30 seconds of video, so please be concise.
  4. Click on the video recorder to stop recording. When you're done sharing your story, click anywhere on the screen to end the recording.
  5. Click "Accept" to add your video to the video petition. You can watch your video by clicking "Review Recording" and if you'd like to do it again, click "Re-record". When you're happy with the video, just press "Accept" and it will be added to the video petition.
  6. Share this tool! Please pass this tool along to your friends and family to help make this video petition huge!