Pass an excess profits tax on Big Grocers

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On Wednesday June 5th, MPs will vote on whether to pass an excess profits tax on Grocery Giants like Loblaws.

Millions of Canadians are struggling to put food on the table. But since the pandemic, the profits of Canada’s three largest grocers have collectively increased by 46 per cent. And they aren’t done yet. As of May 1st, Loblaws’ quarterly profits are up a whopping 9.8% from just last year.

So far, Grocery Giants have managed to evade accountability for their profiteering. But next week, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh will bring forward a motion to tax Grocery Giants’ excess profits – and force MPs to finally pick a side.

Will you send an email to your MP right now, asking them to vote in favour of an excess profits tax on Grocery Giants?

Tell your MP: Vote yes to tax Big Grocers

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