Thanks for saying you’ll donate to expose Canada’s grocery barons’ greed

“Misguided”. That’s what Loblaw executive Galen Weston called boycott efforts from Canadians protesting the grocery chain’s skyrocketing grocery prices. He made the comments just one day after Loblaw yet again reported a whopping 9.8% increase in profits.

Weston’s comments are a slap in the face to people across Canada who are struggling to get by. And they prove that amidst this affordability crisis, the executives at Canada’s biggest grocery chains just don’t get it.

There are a handful of executives who are driving this crisis — using inflation as a cover to hike up grocery prices.

To make sure they don’t escape the spotlight, we have a plan to publicly expose them with giant billboards placed at key locations outside grocery HQs, calling out the greedy grocery baron CEOs that are responsible for our sky-high food bills. Not only will grocery executives see it — but their customers will too.

Donate now to expose the greed of Canada’s grocery barons.

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