Senators: Pass the Sustainable Jobs Act now without delay!

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goal: 10,000
MP’s have finally passed The Sustainable Jobs Act (SJA) earlier this week, which means Bill C-50 is now moving to be read in Senate. If approved, the SJA could be a huge win for climate action in Canada.

The bill, which legally commits the federal government to accelerate the creation of good jobs and skills training in the sustainable energy sector, could set Canada on the path to a green economy.

But Senators are already receiving pressure from Big Oil lobbyists to water the bill down — or even to block it entirely. But even though they aren’t elected, Senators are accountable to the values and lives of everyday Canadians — not Big Oil.

If we can send thousands of emails to Senators — who aren’t used to being on the receiving end of public pressure — it could tip the scales just enough for them to vote to support the transition away from fossil fuels, and towards thousands of green jobs on a liveable planet.

Email the Senate and ask them to pass the Sustainable Jobs Act now, without amendments.

Honourable Senators

Send to
Standing Committee - Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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