Pass a corporate profiteering tax in Budget 2024

8,386 actions
goal: 11,000
As we speak, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland is preparing to table the next federal budget for April 16.

After years of sky-high inflation and a cost-of-living crisis, we need to make sure that the Liberal government feels the pressure to tackle corporations that have been profiting as the rest of us struggle. Will you add your name and call on Chrystia Freeland and Liberal Cabinet Ministers to pass a corporate profiteering tax in the 2024 federal budget?

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Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and Cabinet Ministers

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With only a month before the Federal 2024 budget is tabled, we have to make sure our call to hold corporations accountable is heard by Minister Freeland and key Liberal Cabinet ministers before its too late. Will you chip in what you can to supercharge our campaign for a corporate profiteering tax?