Don't cancel Ontario's cap and trade

967 actions
goal: 1,500
Doug Ford just put forward legislation to rip up Ontario’s cap and trade system -- even though he has absolutely no new climate plan to replace the system he’s destroying. [1]
We can’t let them get away with this. If we can show massive public outrage over the lack of a climate plan, we can show the PCs that we’re not just going to let them slash the cap and trade without a solid replacement plan.
But the bill to scrap the cap and trade system could be passed in a matter of days, so we’ve got to move fast.

Public consultations end in 2 days. Will you sign the petition to stop Doug Ford from cutting Ontario’s cap and trade system unless there’s a clear plan to replace it with an ambitious, science-based climate action strategy?
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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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