Tell the Environment Committee: Strengthen Bill C-12

320 actions
goal: 500
Critical amendments to strengthen Bill C-12 could go to a vote at the environment committee as early as next week. [1] We have no time to lose if we want a climate law that can address the crisis at the scale required.

A flood of calls — as MPs are deciding whether to support key amendments to Bill C-12 — could convince them to strengthen the Bill to ensure Canada finally cuts emissions at the scale scientists say is necessary.

Make a call now.
Instructions on how to call:
it’ll only take a minute, but make a big difference. It’s super easy.
  • Read the talking points below.
  • Enter your information to the right, including your phone number 
  • We’ll call you back, connecting you directly to a Liberal MP on the environment committee. 
  • Leave a message on the answering machine if you reach voicemail. If you speak to office staff, just ask them to pass on your message on to the MP. 
Talking points to include in your message:
  • Hi my name is [name], and I am calling to urge you to vote for critical amendments to strengthen Bill C-12 and to ensure it is based in science, puts communities and workers first, and creates true government accountability. This is a once in a life-time legislation but without amendments it will fail to meet the climate crisis at the scale science says is required. 
  • The four key amendments I’m asking you to vote for are: 
    • Require the government to take bold action now, based on science and independent expertise. 
    • Set the first emissions target for 2025, instead of delaying climate action until it’s too late.
    • Bill C-12 should be aligned with UNDRIP and set targets for job creation to ensure a just transition for all workers.
    • Create true legal accountability for the federal government. Set clear, unconditional obligations on the Minister of Environment to meet Canada’s climate targets.
  • We all want a livable future and this Bill gives us a chance to make it happen. I will be following up to see if you supported amendments to make Bill C-12 a world class climate law.

Call an MP on the Environment Committee now!

Ask them to support critical amendments to Bill C-12 with our talking points listed to the left. Just fill in your details below to make a call. Don’t forget to include your phone number — our system cannot call you back without your number in the appropriate field.

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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