Thanks for sending a message for Bill C-12

289 actions
goal: 500

If we want the Senate to pass Bill C-12 before it’s too late, we have to ramp up the pressure. Call a senator and double your impact now. 

C2C Instructions:
Instructions on how to call. It’ll only take a minute, but it will make a big difference. It’s super easy.

  1. Read the talking points below.
  2. Enter your information to the right, including your phone number 
  3. We’ll call you back, connecting you directly to a senator
  4. Leave a message on the answering machine if you reach voicemail. If you speak to office staff, just ask them to pass on your message. Make sure to tell them your name.

Talking points to include in your message:
We've included talking points but if you're a parent or grandparent worried about future generations, or a young person worried about the future of our planet, your story goes a long way. 

  • I am calling to ensure you don't miss a historic opportunity for climate action in Canada
  • Bill C-12 will help ensure Canada meets its climate targets, but it needs to pass into law before the senate adjourns for the summer, or risk delaying climate action. 
  • Thank you for supporting the bill so far - now Canadians are counting on you to act quickly and pass Bill C-12.

Make a call now

You can use the talking points listed but feel free to personalize it.

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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