Call your MP: take action on an arms embargo now

115 days ago MPs overwhelmingly voted to end Canada’s arms exports to Israel. They still haven’t done it.

Enough is enough. Call your MP demanding they take action on an arms embargo immediately.

Talking points:
  • My name is [introduce yourself]. I’m a constituent of [your riding] and live on [your street name.]
  • A recent Lancet article lays bare the full potential scale of destruction of Israel’s war on Gaza: 186,000 lives lost to this reckless and needless war.
  • This is a heartbreaking and unfathomable number. I am deeply concerned that despite a motion passing in the House of Commons in support of an arms embargo in March, the Canadian government still hasn’t taken the action needed to cease the trade of weapons and military technology to Israel.
  • As my MP I am asking you to not be complicit in the atrocities the Israeli government is committing against Palestinians.
  • I am asking you to write to Foreign Minister Joly to demand she revoke all existing permits for military trade to Israel.
  • I am also asking you to draw attention to the Lancet figures of 186,000 potential deaths from Israel’s war on Gaza in public alongside calls for an arms embargo, for example on your public social media channels and in Parliament.

Call your MP now:

Instructions on how to call. It’ll only take a minute, but make a big difference. It’s super easy.
1. Read the talking points to your left.
2. Enter your information below, including your phone number
3. We’ll call you back, connecting you directly to your MP.
4. Leave a message on the answering machine if you reach voicemail (often you have to press 1 to send your message). If you speak to office staff, just ask them to pass on your message to MP and tell them your name and that you live in the riding.

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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