Stop the violence against Wet’suwet’en land defenders: RCMP off the land

11,595 actions
goal: 16,000
This is unconscionable. The RCMP are violently harassing Wet’suwet’en land defenders again for fighting against the sovereignty-violating Coastal Gaslink pipeline. [1]

We’ve heard reports directly from land defenders that drilling for CGL is imminent — and the RCMP's specialized unit CIRG (Community-Industry Response Group), is ramping up their enforcement. [2] They have a history of using excessive force and violence against Indigenous people — all in the name of profit. [3] 

We know that the BC government and high ranking RCMP officials have the power to deploy — and remove the RCMP.
[4] If enough of us fill their inboxes with emails demanding they respect Indigenous sovereignty and call off the RCMP, it could be enough to force them to act and halt all construction.

Send a message directly to key decision makers asking them to stop the violence. 

Tell the RCMP and government to stop the violence

Send to
John Horgan, Mike Farnworth, David Eby and Brenda Lucki

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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