No free pass for oil and gas: pass a strong emissions cap!

6,826 actions
goal: 9,000
Inside intel tells us that the federal government is considering giving oil and gas — the worst polluting sector in Canada — a free pass: A lower emissions reduction target than the national goal. [1,2]

But it’s not over. We heard the emissions target will be revealed before a global climate conference on November 30, and that it’s critical every Cabinet Minister hears from us before thenevery single one of them has a say in the ambition of the final target.

If Cabinet Ministers think this issue is too boring and technical for most people to recognize its importance, they’ve got another thing coming. Thousands of messages from Canadians demanding an emissions cap that actually holds oil companies to account could let them know we’re watching — and won’t forgive them for putting CEO profit before people.

Send an urgent letter to all 38 Cabinet Ministers now.
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