Minister Wilkinson, Minister Guilbeault, and Minister Freeland: Don’t give Big Oil a multi-billion dollar lifeline

1,036 actions
goal: 1,500
Natural Resources Minister Wilkinson is considering rubber-stamping a multi-billion dollar tax credit for Big Oil to invest in carbon capture — a fantastical, false climate solution. [1]

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is touted by the Oil and Gas lobby as a way of cutting emissions, by capturing carbon before it escapes into the air. But hundreds of climate experts are sounding the alarm: CCS is flawed — in fact, it actually increases emissions. And it’s economically risky and hasn’t been proven at scale. [2,3,4]

This greenwashing tactic is flying under the radar of the public because it sounds good on paper — it might even be tricking MPs and policymakers. With the budget expected as early as next month, we have a small window to raise the alarm and expose Big Oil’s last ditch attempt to save their dying industry.

The first step is a massive petition, signed by all of us. Together we can send a loud message to the federal government: Don’t give Big Oil a multi-billion dollar lifeline — fund real climate action, workers, and communities instead. Sign now.

Minister Wilkinson, Minister Guilbeault and Minister Freeland

Don’t give Big Oil a multi-billion dollar lifeline — fund real climate action, workers, and communities instead. Say no to the carbon capture and storage tax credit.

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Leadnow is sustained by thousands of small, individual donations from across the country. Can you chip in to help fund a hard-hitting campaign to stop the federal government giving Big Oil a multi-billion dollar lifeline?