Send a message: We Need A Bold Emissions Cap

11,558 actions
goal: 16,000
The federal government has launched public consultations on how they’ll limit polluting oil and gas emissions.1 If done right, the “emissions cap” could be a game-changer. A strong oil and gas emissions cap will:
  • Place a hard cap on emissions and have mechanisms to ensure ongoing accountability
  • Ensure emissions are reduced by 60% below 2005 levels by 2030
  • Make sure that all types of emissions are reduced, not just those that come from extracting and refining oil and gas - emissions that come from burning oil and gas need to be included too.
But to make it happen, the oil and gas industry — Canada's largest source of emissions — has to step up and do its fair share.

Big oil is doing everything in their power to water this policy down. To ensure the government doesn't cave to their demands, the federal government needs to hear from everyday people — like you — support a strong oil and gas emissions cap.

The oil and gas industry must end its profit-seeking, climate-destroying practices and do its fair share. Send your message now.

Prime Minister Trudeau and Honourable Ministers

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Public Consultation Portal
Prime Minister Trudeau
Minister Freeland
Minister Guilbeault
Minister Wilkinson

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