
No Public Money for Private Care Thumbnail

No Public Money for Private Care

Documents reveal that the Ontario government is paying a for-profit health clinic in Toronto more than twice as much as public hospitals to perform the same OHIP-covered procedures.1 So while our public healthcare system remains understaffed and under-resourced, Doug Ford’s government is giving more public money to private clinics.

This is outrageous. We know that outsourcing essential surgeries to private, for-profit clinics is a false solution to the healthcare crisis.2 This news reveals the true intentions behind Ford’s decision to expand for-profit clinics: lining the pockets of investors.

The Ford government is hoping taxpayers remain in the dark. But with these numbers out in the open, a massive petition from thousands of concerned Ontarians could increase public scrutiny and make our leaders think twice about continuing to outsource surgeries to private clinics.