
Canadians with Disabilities on how Bill C-22 would impact their lives Thumbnail

Canadians with Disabilities on how Bill C-22 would impact their lives

We asked Canadians with Disabilities who are in support of Bill C-22 to share their stories with Senate on how the Canada Disability Benefit would affect their lives and why it should be passed now.

“This bill would allow me to live instead of trying to survive.” – Anonymous, Regina SK

“Time is of the essence. We are suffering today. Every month we lose between $5-10 of our buying power and it compounds. We are barely surviving. Some are not surviving. We long to thrive and be able to be full participants in our communities. Poverty stops us from this. We need the CDB passed this year so it can be funded next year. “ – Maddy, Nepean ON

“With the cost of housing and food continually going up, and disability benefits remaining pretty much the same for decades, disabled people across Canada face housing insecurity, homelessness, and an inability to afford healthy food. Bill C-22 would give me much needed stability, safety and an assurance that I can afford the necessities of life. It would allow me to make life decisions based on what is healthy for me rather than what I must do to survive.” 
– Anonymous, Uxbridge ON

“Canadians have a proud history of caring for one another. Before my stroke I was proud and happy to pay my taxes to help those in need. Now our taxes seem to benefit only politicians and the fossil fuels industry.” – David, Boston Bar BC

“Why must people like me have their lives being debated? Why is so hard for some senators to understand that disabled Canadians are being forgotten and neglected in this system. Sometimes I feel as though the Canadian government would be relieved if people like me just wasted away and stopped fighting for our basic human rights to survive.” – Anonymous, Ottawa ON

“Try to see my life as yours and you will understand my challenges just to live. Debate Bill C-22 but do not delay it. I need it now.”
– Anonymous, Calgary AB

“I am hoping you can understand how it is to live on $14000./year. You cannot do much but exist. Doing the best in tough circumstances is a Canadian strength and hopefully you could help us live with more dignity.” – Anonymous, Mount Elgin ON

“We are all one diagnosis away from living with a life long chronic condition. It is unimaginable until it is your reality.” – Julie, Erin ON

“If this were to pass I might be able to afford all my medications every month. We’re struggling every month to pay bills and put food on the table. It’s so bad for us on cpp disability. Can any of the senate thinking on this bill live off 975.00 a month. Life is not affordable anymore.”
– Anonymous, Halifax NS