
What we accomplished in 2023 Thumbnail

What we accomplished in 2023

There’s no question that 2023 was a tough year. Between the worst wildfire season in Canadian history, an ongoing affordability crisis, and a crumbling healthcare system, we’ve all faced unearned hardships.

But in spite of it all, we came together – time and time again – to fight for the just, equitable, and climate-safe future we all deserve. That perseverance is what makes the Leadnow community so special – and none of it would be possible without you.

From lobbying for real climate solutions to defending our healthcare system to calling out corporate greed – the Leadnow community had our work cut out for us this year. And we rose to the challenge with countless inspiring campaigns. Here’s a snapshot of what we achieved together:

We went toe-to-toe with Big Oil.

From a volunteer-led Emissions Cap rally.
From a volunteer-led Emissions Cap rally.

For years, Leadnow has been a thorn in Big Oil’s side as we’ve called out their role in fuelling the climate crisis. So when the federal government delayed their emissions cap policy at the end of last year, our team rolled up our sleeves and got to work.

Leadnow volunteers ran dozens of MP meetings, participated in a nation-wide day of action, and made hundreds of calls – all pressuring MPs to back an ambitious emissions cap that would force the fossil fuel industry to do its fair share. Now, after months of the policy’s future seeming uncertain, the emissions cap framework is expected to be released any day!

Hundreds of Leadnow supporters across Canada also crowdfunded a host of hard-hitting billboards holding political leaders and Big Oil to account during high-pressure moments — like Biden’s first visit to Canada, or the annual Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers’ meeting. They were seen by thousands of people – and you can be sure they made an impression.

“Image of billboard van with text The US is upping their climate ambition. Prime Minister Trudeau: Why Aren’t You?
A mobile van billboard outside of Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario.

And together with Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders and their allies, we called out RBC’s financing of the climate crisis. With RBC in the spotlight ahead of their AGM, we crowdfunded ads, flooded their social media accounts, and filled the inboxes of RBC’s executives with calls to divest. And that’s not all — together, we organized over 40 actions at RBC locations across the country on Fossil Fools’ Day, making the headlines!

From a volunteer-led Fossil Fools day action.
From a volunteer-led Fossil Fools day action.

We defended our public healthcare system

Meanwhile, in Ontario, we dialed up our campaign to challenge Doug Ford’s expansion of for-profit healthcare. We went to the frontlines at local hospitals, calling on hospital CEOs to publicly reject Ford’s privatization plans.

Leadnow supporters launched over 30 local petitions targeting their local hospital CEOs — collecting thousands of signatures in cities across the province! And we hit the streets, with dozens of volunteers joining local flyering actions to spread the word to hospital users and amp up the pressure — like this action in Toronto:

From a volunteer flyering event in Toronto.
From a volunteer flyering event in Toronto.

We fought for an economy that works for all of us

When a critical piece of legislation on Basic Income – a common-sense anti-poverty measure – landed in the Senate, over 19,618 of us jumped to sign petitions and send letters of support with just 24 hours to spare. Our efforts paid off, and the bill progressed on to its next stage!

As people across Canada have struggled to pay their bills, Loblaws and other corporate giants have enjoyed skyrocketing profits – so in 2023, Leadnow supporters took our demand for an excess profits tax right to CEO Galen Weston. Over 22,000 of us signed an open letter calling on him to stop profiting off the cost of living crisis — and then we delivered it straight to Loblaws’ HQ.

Picture of for petition delivery boxes and a trophy outside of Loblaw headquarters
The open letter delivery – right to Loblaw’s front doors!

All the while, we never once let up in our fight for the Canadian Disability Benefit (CDB) – a policy that would lift thousands of Canadians with disabilities above the poverty line. This summer, 13,852 Leadnow supporters sent messages to the Senate to pass CDB into law – and we won! Since then, we’ve kept up the pressure on Parliament to fully fund this critical program.

It’s not an easy charge to fight for the just and liveable future we all deserve. But we do it anyway – because we believe that that future is winnable. And we believe it’s winnable because of you.