Stop Ford's Trampling on our Rights

20,517 actions
goal: 27,000
On Sunday night at 1 AM, in an extremely rare weekend sitting in Ontario’s legislature, chants from protesters huddled outside could be heard echoing through the walls of Queen’s Park and into the chambers where Ford was ramming through his “total power” bill (Bill 31).

If it passes, it means Ford gets to meddle in Toronto’s election, even though the Ontario’s Superior Court ruled this was unconstitutional. In essence, it puts Ford above the law and our constitution. 

Conservatives like former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, Premier Bill Davis, and even the architects of Canada’s constitution itself are condemning Ford for this unprecedented abuse of power, and slamming those unwilling to stand up to Ford, saying “history will judge their silence.” 

The most strategic thing you can do right now is let your Conservative MPP know that as a voter, you will judge their silence too. We know that MPPs take emails from constituents seriously, and tally up the number that support or oppose.

With the final vote coming down in just 48 hours, we need as many people to speak out as possible. Will you spend 2 minutes to send an email to your MPP demanding they stand up to Ford and vote NO on Thursday? We’ve prewritten an email for you, it only takes a few clicks.

Email your MPP now

Ford's trying to override our Charter rights to concentrate his power. Call on your MPP to oppose this dangerous move before it's too late.

Send to
Your MPP, cc: Attorney General Caroline Mulroney

your local representative

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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Leadnow is sustained by thousands of small, individual donations from across the country. Can you chip in to help us ramp up our campaign to stop Ford's attack on our democracy?