Sign now to tell Ford’s PCs: Reverse rent control cuts

7,320 actions
goal: 10,000
A Toronto landlord just tried to jack up rents from $1,650 to $2,007 per month -- and since the Ford government scrapped rent control on new units last year, it’s completely legal. [1]

More and more tenants are sounding the alarm: they’re being crushed by double-digit rent increases. Things are getting so bad that the City of Toronto passed a motion to formally ask Ford to reinstate rent control. And on Monday, an opposition MPP put forward a bill calling on the provincial government to reverse their rent control changes. [2][3]

While Ford’s coming under fire, a massive petition could keep this issue in the spotlight. It could be a first step towards reversing these reckless rent control cuts, but to have any impact we have to make it massive.

If we get 30,000 signatures by next Friday, we’ll deliver the petition to Ontario Housing Minister Steve Clark. Enter your details to sign the petition now.

Housing Minister Steve Clark:

Protect renters by reinstating rent control to newly built and converted apartment buildings.

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

Thank you for taking action!

We need to reach 30,000 signatures by next Friday so we can deliver this petition to the Housing Minister.

Will you help us spread the word?