SIGN NOW: Shutdown Maxime Bernier’s racist billboard

12,968 actions
goal: 17,000

UPDATE: Your pressure worked! Pattison just caved to your pressure and agreed to take down these racist billboards!
Check out this story in The Star for more.

Here's the original petition:

Bernier and the PPC are trying to bring Trump’s brand of hateful politics to our election -- they’re campaigning for an extreme crackdown on immigration, and even promising to build a barricade along our borders. If we don’t nip this in the bud now, the extreme-right could turn this election into a hotbed of xenophobia.

But with your help we can shut them down. The billboard is owned by advertising giant Pattison -- and Pattison’s own advertising policies prohibit offensive messages that promote discrimination. Pattison won’t want to get caught up in a scandal, so a massive petition could convince them to take down the billboard. Enter your details now.


Take down the far-right, hate-filled billboards that discriminate against migrant communities.

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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Our voices are stronger when we work together.

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Leadnow is sustained by thousands of small, individual donations from across the country. Can you chip in to help ramp up our campaign to end hate in this election?