Send an email to help take down the oil lobby - tell Shell to quit CAPP

837 actions
goal: 1,000
Oil lobby group CAPP is the biggest barrier to climate action in Canada. 1 But we have a plan to go after CAPP’s power and money by picking off their members — starting with Shell.

With investors abandoning fossil fuels around the world, Shell is desperately trying to clean up their image — and they care what the public and their shareholders think. 2

If thousands of us take a few seconds to flood the inboxes of Shell's CEO and President of Shell Canada, we could push them to quit CAPP — or risk serious damage to their attempts at rebranding.

Send a message now.

To: Shell CEO, Ben van Beurden, and Michael Crothers, President of Shell Canada

You can use the message below, but customize it to maximize your impact.

Send to
Ben Van Beurden, CEO
Michael Crothers, President of Shell Canada

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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