Record a powerful message for a basic income

516 actions
goal: 750
We’ve created a simple tool to help you record a short video telling your personal story — about why it’s so important that Canada moves forward with a basic income that lifts people out of poverty, helps grow the economy, and create jobs.

If we flood MPs' feeds and inboxes with powerful personal stories about the need for a basic income — they’ll see that they have mass public support for it. It could be enough to convince MPs to make basic income a priority.

But this will only work if you take a few minutes of your time to record your story. Will you record a video on why basic income is important to you? Key MPs are voting on their policy priorities in the next two weeks, so we need to act fast.1

Fill in your information to record your personal message.

Once you enter your information, we'll redirect you to the video recording page.

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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